Wednesday, 29 December 2010

TRON and WoW Cataclysm

So like any other Christmas, I like to invite my close friends to stay over night at my place. Unfortunately the only one who could make it this year was E. As usual, we hit the movies first before heading back to my house. This time the movie of our choice was Tron.

TRON: Legacy
Tron was okay. I like the special effects, although I think it's one of those movies I'll only enjoy watching once. We wanted to watch it so badly cuz the entire time we played Kingdom Hearts II, Space Paranoids was the only world we had no knowledge over. Story aside, one of my favorite things about the movie was the music. As you might have already known, the music was done by Daft Punk. It really hit the spot and I think I have a whole new perspective over techno music now ♪ 

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Back at my room, E flipped his laptop and showed me the latest Warcraft expansion, Cataclysm. He showed me around Azeroth: How some areas has dramatically changed, how Orgrimmar is now being... "renovated" (most likely by the goblins correction: Garrosh redecorated), and how Malfurion looks like a chicken now (hahaha). We also tried making a Worgen character to see what their opening storyline was like. It was fun. In fact, we had such a great time that E successfully persuaded me to play WoW again, only this time...the official server in the US region. Not the private server... which is filled with so many bugs, it started my WoW hiatus in the first place.

Seeing that I have no intention to pursue FFXIV anymore (or at least I won't feel like it any time soon), I think I'll channel my money to slowly work my expansion up to Cataclysm. So it won't give my card a shock, if y'know what I mean. Yes, yes it's a long way, since I'm starting from the 10-days trial period ¦3

I guess this means Warcraft will be my first MMORPG that actually requires subscription fee. Cool ♪


  1. Hehe, I'm a sucker for flashy lights and weird pseudo-tech. Also, I will attest to Cataclysm being a great deal of fun. :P Let me know if you'd be interested in exchanging RealID info (essentially cross server chat). ^^

  2. Sure~ I'll contact you when I do.

  3. You got sucked in? Nuuuuuu!

    ... well, I caved too recently (because of a November discount >3>), but I only played for a month and stopped before Christmas. It was fun, sure, though the "new experience" feeling didn't feel so... "new" (probably because I rushed from 1 to 85). >w>

    Have fun! Might subscribe again once my job becomes a regular 40h/wk one, or if I find another one that is. >w>

  4. Hahaha, well it's just another expansion. Not an entirely different game xD
    I doubt I'll be playing too intensively myself.

    Thanks and good luck on the job~
