Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Gestures & Expressions - Maya


  1. I really like how you kept her body design realistic and not the usual overly exaggerated style so many others choose. Very well done!

    1. Overly exaggerated, how?

      Her face and expressions. They looks so very familiar....but from where I wonder?

    2. @Firewolfe: Thanks. I tried my best to portray her that way.

      @Torikakae: Well my friends at campus says that she reminds them of either Kitara or Korra from Avatar: Legend of Aang/Korra. Mostly due to the hair, and similar color pallete. Her appearances were actually an amalgam of various characters I've seen through out my life.

    3. Yeah I've considered Kitara/Korra's not them. It's someone veeerrrryyyy familiar at the back of my mind though...

    4. @Torikakae: By overly exaggerated I'm referring to body styles that are out of proportion, such as overly long legs, 'hourglass' body styles, etc... Koru keeps it real and that's why I like his art :)

    5. @Firewolfe: Ha ha ha, such a flattering way of putting it. I'm only trying to make them look as appealing as possible without the use of sex appeal or other lust-inducing methods.

      Personally, I find it more tasteful (and respectable) when a character is loved without the use of pornography.

    6. @Firewolfe
      Ahh, yeah I see what you mean~ It's really nice when animators focus more on personality than on sex appeal~

      Though on the other end, have you ever seen a chubby lass taking one of the lead roles?

      Xeon! She reminds me so much of Xeon! Dang, I'm slow :P

  2. @Toritake: Princess Fiona from 'Shrek' and Lilo of 'Lilo and Stitch' come to mind. Beyond that no one else, which is a shame. I would like to see more writers step up and focus on personality over body style.

    @Koru: I agree completely.

    1. Lilo isn't chubby O_O I agree with Fiona though (2nd movie onwards)~
