Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Buffing up my music skills ♫

Open sesame! (top), after assembly (bottom). 

It's been awhile since I practiced my flute. Oh flute, how I miss thee Yeah, I love the flute very much.
I also like the piano, but a flute is much more portable, and it fits in my backpack :D

Seeing that I'm self taught, I have no flute scores in hand and my piano scores are far too complex for the flute, so I improvise and play songs I've memorized from games and movies. Right now I'm trying out songs from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I never played the game myself (*le gasp*) but I've seen someone else played it before.

The songs from Ocarina of Time are nice. One that I like in particular is called Zelda's Lullaby. The only thing bugging me is this one high note that I find very hard to do. Another is, Song of Storms. It has a catchy tune, and since it's the rainy season here, it fits the atmosphere. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy ¦D

Hopefully with practice I'll be able to master the 3rd octave soon. That way I can play more songs :D
Coming up is Nina Perlove performing Zelda's Lullaby, and Song of Storms.


Koru: What's with the flashy filter? 0_o
Zee: What's with the apple? o_0


Yeah it's a short song. I usually repeat it over and over until the rain stops, or I get bored or tired.
Which ever comes first ¦D


  1. Ooh you can play flutes? 8D ahh I can't play any instruments!

  2. Awesome. ^^ I play the piano and clarinet, although neither very well, and neither very recently. ^^;

  3. @J.K.: Well... good enough for my personal enjoyment at least.

    @Brandon: I love how the clarinet sounds. It gives me a nostalgic feeling~

  4. And when you finish playing that, you can learn how to play this:

    I love flute and have many friends that play the instrument, one who can hit low B with ease o.0

    I could probably find/make you flute scores if I knew what you were comfortable with.
    Let me guess:
    Koru = Flute (as you just said)
    Zee = Trombone or Percussion
    Ryu = Boy Soprano in youth (jk) Trumpet seems most likely
    Tetsu = Piano or Violin
    Xeon = Singer...probably Boy Alto
    Dual = Harp

  5. Hahaha, yeah I'll try practicing that next if I could get it to fit through my bedroom door xD

    "Ryu = Boy Soprano in youth" (<-LOL LOL LOL)
    You got Zee correct on the percussion, and Tetsu on both the violin and the piano ^^d

    Until I decide to get serious with my flute, I guess I'll be comfortable with improvising for now.
    Thanks, Zac~
