Saturday, 22 January 2011

Muscle Brain

Ryu is skilled in many things and hand to hand combat is one of them. Which is basically why people tend to keep their distance away from him when he gets pissed off or angry. It's less painful that way.

When deciding on what to put underneath the Insignia title, I was tempted to write down Ryu's full name (the English one), but that will most likely trigger a series of unwanted events, so I wrote a title of one of the book sequels instead. Thankfully it turned out just as nice :]


  1. Hmm, well in my professional opinion it's pretty freaking sweet. 8D

  2. People keep distance from Ryu when he's pissed. + Ryu is pissed very often. = Ryu is handy to have when trying to hurry through a crowded area.

    What sort of unwanted events?... <.<=>.> ...A certain lady (M-A) told me that nothing can't be fixed without a cattle-prod, and a few body bags...though it's not useful when there are whitenesses... lol

  3. @Brandon: Thanks~
    @Zac: Ha ha ha, indeed. No need for drastic measures though :D
