Saturday, 24 November 2012

In Everything, Give Thanks

Well... we don't actually celebrate Thanksgiving in my family. It has always seemed a more American thing due to the autumn season harvest and all that (we live in a tropical country, you see), but I think Thanksgiving is a wonderful way to help remind us to be thankful for what we have, or what has happened through out the year and so I would like to take this chance to thank God for a couple of things in particular:

1. I'm thankful that I wasn't able to finish my thesis on time and that it was extended, because if it weren't then the day Mom passed away would come too close with the final trial date which in turn could result in me not graduating anyway.

2. I'm thankful for the ability to manage the house, finance, workers, and basically the energy to do all that while still having some left to work on my thesis.

3. I'm thankful for the musical talents given to me and the opportunity to help the Church through it.

4. I'm thankful for the elders, choir members, fellow accompanist that are now my new friends from all different backgrounds and age. I'm thankful for their cheerfulness and quirkiness that never cease to make me laugh.

5. I'm thankful to be surrounded by friends and classmates who support, help, and comfort me in my time of need. I'm thankful to have healthy and kind friends.

6. I'm thankful for my online friends, who (although have never met me in person) have supported me, prayed for me, and encouraged me in my time of need.

7. I know this may sound weird, but I am thankful that God called Mom back Heaven, because if it weren't for that, maybe I wouldn't be able to learn the things I've learned in these past few months, I probably wouldn't be as close to God as I am now, and I probably wouldn't have realized that I could do certain things that I thought I couldn't.

Don't get me wrong, I still miss Mom a lot and the things I'm have to do now is by no means easy, but even in the midst of all this sorrow and chaos, there is still a bright side to all of it, and for that I am grateful. (besides, it's not like I'll never see her again C:)

8. I'm thankful to still know how to be thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving

 And thanks for stopping by~


  1. "I'm thankful that my life so far has been easy and good, still with all the problems, it is still a good life."

    Just into the mood of thanksgiving after reading that. Is good to be thankful for things in our life. And you lately seem to be in a good mood, that's awesome, keep it up.
